I've been tagged by
Adri. I'm not exactly sure what this means, but I suppose I'll follow up on it, since it seems as thought I haven't posted anything substantial in a while.
The Rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you (which I have no idea how to do... we'll see if it works!)
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about yourself
4. Tag 6 more bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blog's to let them know they've been tagged
I might have problems with that linking thing... we'll see!
MY 6 UNSPECTACULAR QUIRKS:1. I hate it when people read over my shoulderSeriously, it doesn't matter what I'm reading or who it is, I can't stand having someone looking over my shoulder! Silly, I know. This quirk seems to have spilled over into other aspects of life. For instance, I like to sit in the back of the class so that no one is behind me. I'm not parinoid or anything, I just like to be able to see everything that is going on. I also don't like it when people will walk about 3-5 feet in back of me. I usually end up slowing down so they'll pass me.
2. I love fuzzie socksA couple Christmases ago my mom bought me these pink and red fuzzie socks. It was love at first sight. I now have several pairs of "sockies" that I wear around the house like slippers. They're the best!
3. I like to have the house freezingYes, even in the winter time. Marrying Rob has put somewhat of a damper on this one. He seems to think that the house should be kept just short of sweltering. He likes to turn the heat up, and wear hoodies, sweat pants and socks to bed. I can't see how he doesn't sweat to death! I like to have the house freezing and then cuddle up under the blankets... it's much more cozy that way! My mom used to get mad at me and Lisa, because we'd keep our bedroom window open during the winter time. I seem to remember getting grounded on several occasions for doing this...
4. I love to have my toe nails painted!I hate having my toe nails "naked." I don't think they're very pretty without anything on them ( : So basically my toe nails are always covered with some sort of color! I don't really care about fingernails... if anything, I prefer polish-less finger nails, however toe nail polish is a must for me!
5. I am very good at multi-taskingSeriously, I could probably set records for how many things I can do at one time. Rob teases me and says I have a mutated form of multi personality disorder. He calls my personalities "Julie 1" "Julie 2" "Julie 3", etc., depending on how many tasks I am doing at once. This talent has come in handy during law school. Rob thinks its unfair to the other students that I can read for a different class while still taking notes on the class I'm in, emailing, chatting with him online, writing another chapter of my book (by the way, I'm writing a book, p.s.) and listening to a lecture all at once. ( : I think I'll take all the advantage I can get!
6. I L-O-V-E to readPretty much everyone already knows this about me. This little quirk gets in my way of getting things done sometimes. At times I'll get so into a book that I just can't put it down. The multi-tasking talent comes in handy when I come across a good book, that way I can keep reading during class ( : I like all genres, from science fantasy, to just plain fantasy, to history, to historical fiction, political thrillers, everything! I just finished readig The Hunger Games... I couldn't put it down. I suggest you check it out! Currently, I'm reading The Wizard Heir.
People I tag: