Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This one time, at Band Camp...

Its crazy how sometimes you can be so busy and yet feel like nothing has happened at all. This is how I feel at the moment. Although it is quite clear that I've been a big fat blogger-slacker lately, despite the fact that I've been ridiculously busy, I don't feel like I have anything to write about! This is obviously untrue... if I was really THAT busy, I would have lots of things to write about. So here is my pathetic attempt to come up with something worthwhile to say....

First thing is first... after a dramatic exit from Pocatello, ID (you'll have to ask her the whole story sometimes) my sister Lisa came to live with Rob and I. She has since settled into Lincoln quite nicely... and has just barely become a member of the UNL marching band! Sorry BYU fans, Lisa is going to be a Big Red fan. She now gets to experience the joys of college marching band--including all the practices and ridiculously long game days! I'm so proud my little sissy is going to be a college band nerd like me!! Here she is at her opening performance:By the way, did I mention that about 10,000 plus people show up to this band performance?? Yeah... crazy! That's what I thought too! My sissy poo is so cute! I'm sad she's not going to be a BYU fan like Rob and I, but it's still so fun to see her doing college band! Go Lisa!

Other than that, school has started again. I say "started again," but really, it's just that I've gotten more classes. Since I've been doing summer school all summer, it's not much of a change, other than I have more credits on my plate. This semester I'm taking education law, con law I, entertainment law, advanced legal research and law and medicine. Should be some good times! I'm most excited about entertainment law! It'll be a fun class!

Rob also celebrated his 26th birthday! He's officially sounding old to me... yikes! What is scary is that I'm going to be 26 in only 3 short years... oh dear... okay, I don't really want to think about that right now. Scary.

Oh yeah, since Lisa has moved in, we're moving to a different--MUCH NICER--apartment in a month. Yay! I'm seriously counting down the days til we get out of this dump...

Also, during my blogging hiatis, I read a really great book. You might have heard of it because there is a movie that just came out about it. The book is called, "My Sister's Keeper," but Jodi Picoult:I haven't seen the movie yet, but the book was FABULOUS!! I highly reccommend it to anyone who needs a good read... and even though its kind of a girly book, I'll probably even reccomend it to my football stud brother, Paul. ( :

Anyway, that's all I have to write about right now. I'll try to do better with keeping everyone updated now that I've sort of settled into a routine!!



alexandria said...

Im glad you finally posted! I've been wondering what happened to my julie! I cant wait to hear the whole story on your sister movin in! I will have to call you soon!

Em T said...

Whoa, that took me by surprise. I didn't know Lisa was moving to your place. You'll have to tell me the whole dramatic story since I don't think I have a way to find out myself unless I wait until the next family reunion. I hear ya though about being busy. The busier you are the more boring you are in print... and the less often the dishes get done.

Brady and Karen said...

Lisa moved in! That's exciting!

Yeah, try "my husband is 30 and I'll be there in three years."

Sylvi said...

fun-fun jewels! man I am goingto have to make a list of all these goods books, gezz...or just wait until I camp at your house and hehe steal them