Friday, January 23, 2009

The "No brainer"

I'm pretty sure that it's every law professor's ultimate goal in life to make the first year students feel like they SUCK at life...

So I'm sitting there in class today minding my own business, just listening to the lecture. But my teacher isn't just lecturing... she's LECTURIG. She was being a little too enthusiastic and theatrical for a simple first year property class. And it kept getting worse as the class kept going. She was waving her hands in the air, and saying crazy stuf... it was actually quite humorous! So what's a girl to do? I couldn't help it... I started laughing at her! Don't judge... you would have laughed too. Well, apparently she didn't appreciate that too much, and she decided to enact her revenge by ruthlessly calling on me throughout the whole class.

One time, she calls on me and asks "So can the creditors get the husband's share if they are co-owners in a tennancy in common?" And like a good little law student, I say, "Yes. The creditors can come after the husband's share only, but not the wife's." Which... FYI... THAT'S THE RIGHT ANSWER!!!!

But for some reason she keeps talking.... and talking.... and talking about this hypo, explaining in detail why the creditors can come after the husband's share but not the wife's. And then FINALLY, at the end of her monologuing, she breathes a deep sigh, throws her hands in the air and says... "Wow, I'm really glad I went over that! I thought that question was a no-brainer!"

WHAT?!?!? Come again?!!?!?! I got the answer right, crazy woman!!

And then of course, the entire class laughed at me and I recieved several facebook messages making fun of me for missing the "no brainer" question that I actually DIDN'T miss!


The joys of law school....


Alice said...

Lame. It annoys me when teachers want to make themselves look smart. That's not their job! Anyway, cute new picture! :)

Natalie and Steve said...

I feel your pain. Maybe she has something against blondes? By the way--your picture at the front of your blog is fantastic!

Sylvi said...

Thats funny! Don't worry it happens to everying one! Love the new backround!

Kristen Cook said...

That's funny! That's so frustrating when you are right about something and the idiot doesn't realize it, or just ignores that fact, and makes you out to be an idiot yourself! Good grief! Well, I believe you that you got it right! :o) Good job!