Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cockroaches the size of house cats!

Last week I mentioned to my mom (who is absolutely revolted by roaches) that Rob and I hadn't even seen a cockroach in our Lincoln apartment. Lots of crickets--yes.... lots of spiders--yes, but no roaches. There wasn't any wood available, so I couldn't knock on it. But I should have.

Yesterday, Rob and I were watching a movie on our couch. The movie had just ended and I was snuggling up to Rob all comfortable like. Then all the sudden I glance up and I see this HUGE blob of shadow scuttling across the back of our couch. Poor Rob. I think I might have busted his ear drum with my shriek. I jumped up and flipped on the lights as fast as I could. To my horror, there was a HUGE cockroach on the back of our couch.


GROSS! This thing was the size of a small mouse!!! Rob chivalrously killed it (with my binder, no less... now I have cockroach guts all over it) and then spent the next couple minutes trying to identify what kind of roach it was. I finally had to tell him to give it up and throw it away before he pulled out a microscope to examine it further.

Boys *eye roll*.

Moral of the story? Always knock on wood....

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Em T said...

That reminds me, David and I were watching TV in bed when a big ol' spider made a quick entrance by zooming down from the ceiling fan and onto the bed. I screamed (naturally) and then I started throwing stuff off the bed. We never found it again, but I did totally trash the room. I don't know what got into me! I couldn't calm down!
So I feel ya....

Julie said...

Oh dear.... oh dear, oh dear. Yes, unfortunately, I would probably react the exact same way. 'Cept then I wouldn't be able to sleep for a week cause I'd be afriad that nasty spider would bring all his friends back to attack me!

Em said...

eeeeewwww. Brian doesn't like to kill the bugs in our house. He likes to pick them up gently and bring them outside. He tries to convince me they are harmless by holding them an inch from my face saying "aw look at this" after he picks one up. I say if they found a way into our house they deserve to die. In fact I think I'm going to post "no trespassing; penalty of death" signs all over the outside of our house at insect level.

Farnsaki said...

Oh man, I love roaches!!! My companion and I used to always trap them on top of white computer paper... then we'll smack them to smithereens, and hang the paper on our wall as a decoration :) It was freaking awesome. Best wall paper I've ever had.

Julie said...

Aric.... you are truly disgusting.

Sylvi said...

yuck! yuck! yuck!!!!!

Jessica said...

HAHA! This is the story of my life but the part of the cockroach is played my ginormous spiders that seem to have invaded this summer. :-) Thank goodness for husbands that can kill insects for us.

meagan said...

I have horrible dreams that I have bugs in my bed and it's the worst!

Julie said...

Meagan!! That's so tramatizing!!