Monday, March 8, 2010

Something I've been getting quite good at...

Banana BreadWhich is basically another way of saying that I'm really bad at eating my bananas before they go rotten. Still, its the one good thing about salvaged, otherwise-unedible fruit! Yum!


Em said...

Oh, hello. You didn't see me licking the screen did you? That looks yummy.

Alice said...

Umm...Are those chocolate chips?? YUM!!!! My banana bread is boring compared to yours. And I also have to make it a lot. Bananas just don't last long enough!

Julie said...

[wipping slobber off screen]...

Yup! Those are chocolate chips (AND chocolate peanut butter chips!)... like I said, I'm getting WAY too good at this! I even considered adding apple chuncks this time (apple banana bread!) but I didn't end up doing it... maybe next time!