Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yee Haw!

Last night we celebrated Rob's brother Dave's big three-oh birthday. As a part of the festivities, we went country swing dancing! Whoot, whoot! It has been FAR too long since I've been dancing and besides the new faces, that little dinky place on 5th and Freedom (you know which one I'm talking about, Provoites) hasn't changed a bit! It was SO much fun! I felt slightly lumpy and out of shape, though, when I about died trying to dance through ONE song! It was vaguley pathetic. I'm vowing to stay in better shape for the next time we go. My brother's Mark and Paul tagged along for the event. Although Rob and I were having a BLAST, Paul was NOT enthused to be country swing dancing. Never mind the fact that his big bulky line backer frame could EASILY pass as a 20-somethin' RM and the place was swarming with hot girls. Mark, on the other hand, took FULL advantage of said girls and was dancing until the very last dance (much to Paul's dismay, who became more and more disgruntalled as the night went on). I don't think Paul realizes the opportunity he has here... I mean, with his muscles?? Puh-leeeeease. He could easily toss a girl up in the air with nothin' but his pinky finger. Memo to Paul: chicks dig sweet moves.

The week hasn't been all fun and games, though. Lately, I've been putting in a good 5-8 hours a day studying for the bar. Most in the house feel that is excessive and Rob n' fam have been trying desperately to get me to stop studying as much, saying I'll burn out at that rate. Riiiight. As if I could just walk into the bar and pass it without blinking an eye. Not happening. This test is ridic, just in case you were wondering. I'm starting to wonder if I just need to start memorizing the ENTIRE BARBRI outline book. I'm freakin' out here! I can't wait til March....

Any-who... until next time!


Paul said...

Ok, clarification... I cant dance so it would be zero impressive for me to try to dance and would probably be detrimental to my chances. Just more proof that I have no chance.

Julie said...

Silly me... I just thought your overall manliness would make up for your lack of dance skillzzzz... CLEARLY I was wrong! Hehe.