Friday, March 18, 2011

Will the New Katniss Everdeen Please Stand Up?

Yay! The wait is finally over! Lionsgate recently announced that Jennifer Lawrence has been cast for the coveted role of Katniss Everdeen in the new film adaptation of Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games. I have to admit that when I first discovered who had been cast, I had to refer to my good friend, Google, because in all my movie watching I'd never heard of this Jennifer Lawrence. Incidently, I was actually happy about this. Sometimes these huge blockbuster roles just go over better if an unknown actor is cast, rather than a K-Stew or R-Pat. Anyway, when I Googled Jennifer, I discovered that while perhaps a little unknown, she's not inexperienced... I felt rather flabergasted to learn she was actually Oscar nominated (where have I been??)and the reviews about her had nothing but positive things to say. Futher, the casting director said it was the easiest casting decision he'd made in his life--despite the fact that Jennifer doesn't quite match Katniss's physical description. I'm excited to see her interpretation of Katniss! In the clips I watched of her she seemed like such a beautiful, strong, confident individual, and I'm sure she'll do an amazing job with this role. Now all that we're really waiting for is dear Gale and Peeta. Any guesses as to which lucky men will land those roles??


Em said...

Interesting. If they make her dye her hair she wont be too far off of physical appearance eh?

Sylvi said...

I agree on that Julie. The "unknown" alot of times make the movies and everything so much better. This Jennifer sounds like she'll do awesome with this role! THe Hunger Games is starting to get going!