Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tornado Touchdown

Yesterday I had another experience with new Nebraska weather--the kind we don't get back west. This winter it was freezing rain, this spring, it's tornados!! Never a dull moment for weather in NE. This is not an actual picture of the tornados (yes, there was more than one!) that touched down in the Lincoln/Omaha area, but they looked something like this. The sky was this exact same color of black/grey nastiness. It was intense! The tornados touched down on the East side of Lincoln, farther away from where I live, more into the farming area on the outskirts. I was kind of disapointed that I didn't get to see them, I wanted my own picture! But, oh well, it's probably safer that way, eh?!


Alice said...

Yeah it's safer that way, but it's way more exciting to see one in person!(I've seen two that I can remember) I'm sure you'll get your chance though :)

Jessica said...

Yay! We can see your blog again! ;-) Crazy all the weather you are experiencing. Tornadoes have been one of my long time fears; you are so brave to live in the midwest! Good luck with the CCC recipe. I was amazed that these don't turn into cowpies myself. Let us know how it goes.

alexandria said...

What is with the crazy weather in these new places we live?!