Friday, December 19, 2008

Feezing what?!

Okay, so Rob and I had our first experience with freezing rain today. Yes, you heard right freezing rain... nope, it's not snow (just in case that's what you were thinking). I know, it's okay, that's what I thought when I heard it too ( : But no, freezing rain is a combination of who knows what (I mean really... like I know how these things happen! Yeah right!) that coats EVERYTHING in this thick diamond looking crust of ice. It leaves things looking a little bit like this: No, this is not a picture of my neighborhood, just a picture I got off the internet. However, it does give you an idea of the kind of damage this stuff causes! This is also not a picture of my own car: but it is sort of what my car looked like this morning. Maybe not quite as thick as this ice, but similar, non the less. You can imagine how long it took Rob and I to "scrape" (hack, claw, mutilate and destroy is more like it) the windows this morning just so we could see! Also this stuff really does a number to the roads. It puts a whole new meaning to the phrase "walking on ice."


Alice said...

Yeah. Ice is definitely WAY worse than snow. When I was in HS we had an ice storm in Tyler, and the power was out for like a week. I feel for you. Congrats on finishing the semester though!

Brady and Karen said...

Ohio folk are very familiar with freezing rain. I went home to visit a few years ago, went on a jog, and woke up who knows how long later (probably just seconds). I had slipped and knocked myself out! How's that for a klutz/scary freezing rain story? Glad you weren't locked out this day!

Julie said...

Aleece... they have ice storms in Texas?! I didn't think it got that cold there!

No kidding... getting locked out in this stuff would be no beuno!! I told my mom about it and all she could say was how pretty it was... I was like "mom, I think you're kind of missing the point here" ( :

Kristen Cook said...

I remember two years ago driving home from New Years in New York - when we got to Nebraska, that is EXACTLY how EVERYTHING looked! Most the gas stations were closed down because everything FROZE! That's so crazy! Yikes! Have fun with that! :o)

Ps. My mom-in-law got me Hunger Games for Christmas! I'm so excited, I'll let you know how I like it when I finish ... I'm a slow reader, so don't hold your breathe! :o)

Adrienne said...

Get some de-icer for your car, jules! It saves so much time! We have that stuff a lot...